Modern Property Management

Modern property management is constantly evolving into a more complicated balance of compliance, legislation, new technology, tenant behaviours and problem solving. To be successful at this, we call on experience and a healthy dollop of common sense.

The most important things we do are to maintain the quality of your home and managing it to the highest standards whilst maximising and optimising the performance of your investment. The following outlines of the services which we provide. View our extensive Property Management Services brochure ›

At all times our focus remains on working in your best interests with genuine, honest advice on your rental property and never forgetting the responsibility you are entrusting to us when we hold keys to not only the actual building but your financial security.

Day To Day Management

Day to Day Management and supervision of your property under our professional care.

The Letting Process

The letting process entails the securing and placement of a new tenant for your rental property.

The Lease Renewal Process

The lease renewal process is securing the tenancy into the future. The benefits to you of a continuing use of a fixed term lease is that it avoids a period of vacancy, the wear and tear on the property that vacates and entries bring and it gives you control of the end date of the lease. Most importantly, it provides a continuation of rental income. If a tenant does terminate their lease early (break lease) then they are required to ensure no loss of rental income.

The Routine Inspection Process

The routine inspection is conducted approximately every 17 weeks. This allows us to monitor the tenant performance and general wear and tear condition of the property, keeping the condition as well maintained as possible and keeping your asset value maximised.

The Vacate Exit Inspection Process

The vacate exit inspection is conducted as soon as practically possible after the tenant vacates the property and returns the tenant keys to the office.

Yearly Financial Statement

Annually you will be issued with a summary of income and expenses in relation to your investment property in any given fiscal year. Your accountant is likely to charge much more to prepare an equivalent summary for you. Our annual summary statement offers excellent value, saving you considerable accountancy expenses.

Dispute Resolution and QCAT (Court) Process

We will represent you at the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal. We will always seek your permission and instructions before appearing on your behalf.

This process involves preparation, attending any tribunal hearings as directed by the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal after exhausting all other options, including dispute resolution with Residential Tenancies Authority first if applicable.

A Partnership

At its heart, McAdam & Turnbull Property Management is about cultivating the working partnership between owners, manager, and tenants. Whether you’re a new or experienced property investor, obtaining and retaining the right tenant for your Toowoomba rental property is only part of the process. Meeting the longer term needs of all parties is the key to delivering great property management services. Read our extensive Property Management Services brochure ›

Investor Support Services

Property Investors often don’t receive the consistent support they deserve. While plenty of attention is given to the tenants’ welfare, the owners also need someone on their side – someone who provides them support. In her role as Investor Support Services Bronwyn Evans is happy to talk to any investors - whether our clients or not - whether you have actually yet bought as investment property or not.

Tailored Solutions

The process of buying and owning an investment property can be complex and every person’s situation is different. The McAdam & Turnbull Realty team are focused on tailoring both real estate and property management solutions to meet your individual needs while making the experience as stress-free as possible

McAdam & Turnbull’s Bronwyn Evans has posted Property Management education videos containing invaluable information for the new or experienced property investor.

A successful property management relationship.