

How do Tenants Report Maintenance?

 How do I report maintenance as tenant with McAdam & Turnbull Realty 

 If you have any emergency maintenance item – please phone 46392222 – even if after hours.

 If you have a routine maintenance repair request you can access our Tenant Concierge which will assist you to report maintenance via our TAPI maintenance program. You can either – use the QR code in the cupboard under your kitchen sink or visit our website and navigate to the Maintenance Request button under our Rent menu. The QR code is much easier - just point your camera on your smart phone to the QR code and a prompt will open in your browser.


 The TAPI chatbot will ask you a few questions but they are designed to create a comprehensive report of the repairs required. Combined with the ability to upload photos/videos of the issue, this means your property manager has all the information they need right at the beginning.

It means you can lodge the maintenance quickly and don’t have to waste time playing phone tag with your property manager or having them reply to emails with lots of questions.  It also means if your property manager needs to seek instructions from the property owner – they can see a full report on the issue. This all helps get faster approvals for work to be scheduled.

 TAPI also allows you to check progress on your job via email communication. This video link below shows how.  

TAPI communication video


What is an emergency repair?

 An emergency repair are works needed to repair any of the following:

  1. Burst water service or service water service leak
  2. A blocked or broken lavatory system
  3. A serious roof leak
  4. A gas leak
  5. A dangerous electrical fault
  6. Flooding or serious flood damage
  7. Serious storm, fire or impact damage
  8. A failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity or water supply to the premises
  9. A failure or breakdown of an essential service or appliance on the premises for hot water, cooking or heating
  10. A fault or damage that makes the premises unsafe or insecure
  11. A fault or damage likely to injure a person, damage property or unduly inconvenience a resident of the premises
  12. A serious fault in a staircase, lift of other common area of the premises that unduly inconveniences a resident in gaining access to or using the premises. 

(a)     Emergency repairs are also works needed for the premises or inclusions to comply with the prescribed minimum housing standards.

What is a routine repair?

A routine repair are repairs other than emergency repairs.

At McAdam & Turnbull Realty we are always looking for ways to make investing easier for investors and tenants. TAPI maintenance program lets tenants proactively report repairs and then helps minimize costs to investors.